Saturday, 25 November 2006

The Bude Line

In the November and December issues of Back Track magazine there's been a 2-part feature on the now closed Okehampton-Bude branch which I've found particularly interetsing and inspiring. One of the reaons I was initially interested was that we spent a week in Holsworthy this summer, so a number of the locations are still fresh in my memory, including the site of Holsworthy station which we visited due to its having recently become a supermarket car park!

Sometimes a particular photo just leaps out at me and captures my imagination and that's what happened with the photo at the top of page 748 in the December issue (the page numbering continues through from January to December!). It shows a view across the tracks to the platform at Bude on a wet and overcast summer afternoon in 1964 with a grimy N Class simmering in the sidings while an equally grimy BR Standard Class '4' tank prepares to depart with a short passenger train.

As is often the case, I can't put my finger on what it is in particular that captures my imagination so much about this photo but it absolutely reeks of atmosphere - you can almost feel the drizzle, smell the steam, and hear the seagulls and hissing valves.

It's these occasional moments of inspiration that fuel my creative energy, and while an actual layout is still some way off being built yet, I'm continually collecting together a mental scrapbook of images that will hopefully eventually come together into a model.

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