Sunday, 22 July 2007

If you're visiting this site for the first time, allow me to welcome you and introduce myself. My name's Matt and I've been writing this blog for the past 18 months or so, primarily to document the process of planning and constructing a model railway.

As you will soon discover, I'm not one of these people who can rustle up a complete layout in a couple of months! In fact, I haven't even laid any track yet, and (while the track plan is firmed up and the baseboards built) the prototype location is still up for grabs!! Although a lot of this is down to the fact that I like to 'dip in and out' of my hobby as and when I feel like it, I have discovered that much of the enjoyment of this hobby of ours is in the planning and research itself.

Part of the reason I started this blog was because I felt there was a big 'knowledge gap' between those who have been modelling for some time and those, like me 18 months ago, who were quite new to the hobby (at least the more 'serious' side of it anyway), and I thought it might be of use to others in a similar situation to be able to read 'first-hand' the trials and tribulations of someone else on a similar journey, warts and all.

The result, then, is more a collection of sometimes related, sometimes wildly unrelated, ramblings, but which hopefully, over the course of time, will tell a reasonably coherent story of the design and construction of a model railway, with all the bits in between that so often get missed out in those magazine articles and the like that make it all sound a lot more straightforward than it actually is!

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