Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Stock take

If you've been following this blog for any length of time (that'll be about 3 people then, judging by the number of comments I get on here!!) you'll have realised by now that I'm not the most decisive of people, and that I'm not very quick at getting round to doing thing! (Perhaps the two are related - the more procrastination the more time there is for changing your mind!)

So where am I exactly with this grand scheme to build a model railway? It's getting on for 18 months since I started this blog, and even then the idea of constructing a layout had been simmering away for a few months. As of this moment in time, what I have to show for all this time is, well...
  • a box of RTR locos and rolling stock
  • a handheld Gaugemaster controller
  • a small collection of kit-built wagons in various stages of completion
  • a token length of ballasted and weathered track (on which the collection of wagons currently resides)
  • an almost-complete scratchbuilt weighbridge office
  • dozens of track plans and layout designs
  • a growing library of railway magazines and books covering both prototype and modelling)
...and probably enough tools, paints, glues, solders, unbuilt kits, scenic materials, model components, track, and goodness knows what else to stock a small shop!!

Oh yes, and 2 baseboards which I made around Christmas time and then have done nothing with since - largely down to the fact that I decided they were too small.

Well, with a recent reappraisal of our financial situation it has become obvious that I really should stop simply stock-piling and start to make use of what I already have. And those baseboards might just come in handy after all... if I can come up with a layout plan that would fit and would satisfy those elusive layout criteria.

To add to the confusion, I've found myself increasingly drawn to the idea of modelling the blue diesel era, having drawn considerable inspiration recently from layouts like Wibdenshaw, Oldshaw, Canada Road and so on. Realistically, right now at least, I can't really afford to be buying more stuff so I'm going to have to stick with what I've got - BR(WR) steam.

Anyway, enough talking....


  1. Matt,
    I don't think it's a bad move to stockpile - too often I've waited to purchase a kit or some parts only to discover later the company has gone out of business. An example would be the excellent Colin Waite range.
    And I can't remember who said it (maybe Stephen Williams) but I think on average it takes 10 years to complete a kitbuilt/scratchbuilt layout. I'm planning on 15 years!
    Keep at it,

  2. 15 years sounds like a good target to me! When I started out I was under the crazy illusion that I'd be able to build a layout in just a few months! Well, maybe my objectives have changed quite a bit since then, but I've definitely had a reality check. But I'm also learning that a big part of the enjoyment of a hobby like ours is precisely the fact that it's not just a 'quick fix'. It's as much, if not more, about the journey than the arriving. Now that sounds profound for a Sunday evening!!
