With the need to do some fairly major remedial work on the garage before it can be converted into a fully-functional railway room, I've decided to do some 'stop-gap' modelling projects in the meantime. This way I can try my hand at a few scenic techniques, starting on a small scale and gradually working my way up to a full layout.
The first project is to create a diorama just 20" x 3" on an offcut of wood: A length of track, ballasted and weathered, with grass and scubby foliage encroaching from the edges. I'll then be able to use this as a simple display stand for various locos and items of rolling stock which I can also work on - detailing and weathering.
If it all goes horribly wrong then its not a big deal to throw it away and start over. And if its a success then I can move on to a slightly larger diorama - maybe with a hedge, a small embankment, a lineside hut...
I popped in to Dominoes at lunchtime today and stocked up on various bags of scenic materials - clump foliage, ballast etc. I also ordered some Noch grass (apparently you 'puff' it out of a plastic bottle onto glue and it stands up like real grass!) off the internet so we'll see what that's like.
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