Monday, 6 March 2006

Templot track plan

Here's a screenshot (actually several screenshots joined together) showing the track plan I've produced in Templot. (You can click on the image to view a larger version).

The track plan itself is at full (model) scale. The real advantage of using Templot is that I can work close up on individual track components such as turnout timbering, crossings, etc, and then zoom out to see it in the context of the complete layout. It also means I don't have to rely on guesswork at the construction stage.

The plan is to permanently stick down a full sized set of templates onto the baseboards as a guide for subsequent building. I'll then print out smaller sections a bit at a time as templates for building the various track formations away from the baseboards. The finished pieces can then be transferred to the layout and the templates lined up. That's the plan anyway!

I've cheated slightly, for the time being anyway, with the 'Y' turnout at the entrance to the shed road, by simply overlaying two standard, opposite handed turnouts and leaving the centre road visible.

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