Friday, 6 January 2006

Baseboard joins

So the wood for the baseboards has finally been bought. And the realisation has dawned on me that 7 foot and even 6 foot may be too long for a single board if it is to be at all portable. Granted, I don't intend to move the layout often - only if we move house. But I'm seriously wondering whether I should now have four smaller boards instead of two large ones.

The question is this: Will the baseboards be too heavy to move in the event of any future house moves if I leave them as 6' and 7'? I need to take into account the fact that to get a 7' board out of the room will require turning it on it's end, then tilting it to get it through the door, then tipping the whole thing through several different angles to get it down the stairs! All this without knocking anything down (real or model!) in the process! Certainly a two-person job just to do the lifting, and probably another to ensure nothing gets knocked.

If it is doable then I'd rather stick with just the two boards, purely because it's less hassle. If not, then it obviously creates more work in the wiring department and the clever use of scenery to hide the join!

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